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Got a free Wednesday night and $10*? Join HOPE’s mini pub crawl on Wednesday, February 6th, 6-9pm in Saratoga!

Your $10 ticket donation includes a complimentary pint of Helping HanDZ Amber Ale (while supplies last) and entry into 3 drawings ($25 gift cards from Impressions of Saratoga, Roma Foods & Benson’s Pet Centers). “Crawlers” will get special pricing of $5/pint of Helping HanDZ Amber Ale during the crawl (reg. $6.50). Also included are; great company and a way-more-fun-than-usual way to spend a winter HUMP day!

We’ll start at Forno Bistro then move on to  Boca Bistro and end at Chianti Ristorante.

The Helping HanDZ for H.O.P.E. Mini Pub Crawl is kicking off February’s month long fundraiser at Forno Bistro, Boca Bistro and Chianti Ristorante (Saratoga’s DZ Restaurants). All month, they will be donating $1/pint of Helping HanDZ Amber Ale sold, to benefit the animals of Homes For Orphaned Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.).

Bring a pack (or a litter) of friends! Online ticketing at https://hopeanimalrescue.org/mini-pub-crawl/!  *Must be over 21 to participate.
Follow us on Facebook for updates – facebook.com/PetsHOPE. 🙂
Please help us spread the word by sharing far & wide!

If you can’t join us, you can still help – stop in to Forno Bistro, Boca Bistro or Chianti Ristorante any time during the month of February to enjoy a Helping HanDZ Amber Ale and $1/pint will be donated to HOPE. Tell your friends!

Thanks to DZ Restaurants and Chatham Brewing for partnering with HOPE and to long-time supporters of HOPE, Impressions of Saratoga, Roma Foods and Benson’s Pet Centers for their donations.

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